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Blood Ruby: A Rare and Valuable Gemstone

Blood ruby, also known as pigeon’s blood ruby, is a precious gemstone with a deep red color that is highly sought after by collectors and jewelry enthusiasts. The name pigeon’s blood ruby comes from the unique shade of red that is reminiscent of the color of a pigeon’s blood. However, true pigeon’s blood rubies are extremely rare and can command high prices at auction.

The hue of a blood ruby derives from the existence of chromium within the crystalline framework of the gem. The more chromium present, the deeper and more vibrant the red color. Blood rubies are typically found in Myanmar (formerly Burma), which is known for producing some of the finest quality rubies in the world. Other countries that produce rubies include Thailand, Sri Lanka, and Madagascar, but the quality and color of their rubies may vary. In the next few paragraphs, we will explore the history, properties, and value of blood rubies in more detail.

History of Blood Ruby

Origin and Significance

As a gemstone, Blood Ruby is highly valued for its deep red color and rarity. The stone is a variety of corundum, which is a mineral that is commonly found in igneous and metamorphic rocks. The red color of Blood Ruby comes from the presence of chromium in the mineral.

The name “Blood Ruby” is derived from the stone’s deep red color, which is reminiscent of the color of blood. This gemstone has been highly prized throughout history, and was often associated with royalty and power. The stone was believed to have mystical powers, and was often used in talismans and amulets.

Historical Uses and Lore

Blood Ruby has a rich history, and has been used for a variety of purposes throughout the ages. In ancient times, the stone was believed to have healing properties, and was often used to treat a variety of ailments. It was also believed to have protective powers, and was often worn as a talisman to ward off evil spirits.

During the Middle Ages, Blood Ruby was often used in jewelry worn by royalty and nobility. The stone was believed to bring good luck and fortune, and was often used as a symbol of power and wealth. It was also believed to have the power to protect the wearer from harm.

In modern times, Blood Ruby is still highly valued for its beauty and rarity. The stone is often used in high-end jewelry, and is a popular choice for engagement rings and other special occasion jewelry. Due to its rarity, Blood Ruby can be quite expensive, and is often considered a valuable investment.

In conclusion, the history of Blood Ruby is a fascinating one, filled with tales of power, wealth, and mysticism. This gemstone has been highly prized throughout history, and continues to be a sought-after stone today.

Characteristics of Pigeon Blood Ruby

As a gemstone, pigeon blood ruby is one of the most sought-after varieties of ruby. Pigeon blood ruby is known for its intense red color and high quality. In this section, I will discuss the characteristics of pigeon blood ruby, including its color and hue, clarity, and cut.

Color and Hue

The color of pigeon blood ruby is its most important characteristic. The term pigeon blood red is used to describe the color of the finest quality ruby. The color is a deep, rich red with a slightly bluish hue. This hue is caused by the presence of chromium in the gemstone. The color of pigeon blood ruby is so intense that it is often described as “glowing from within.” The color is also very consistent throughout the gemstone, with no visible color zoning.

Clarity and Cut

The clarity of pigeon blood ruby is also an important characteristic. Natural pigeon blood ruby is typically free from inclusions, which are internal flaws that can affect the gemstone’s appearance and durability. The gemstone is also typically cut to maximize its color and brilliance. The most common cut for pigeon blood ruby is the cushion cut, which is a square or rectangular cut with rounded corners. This cut is ideal for bringing out the gemstone’s color and brilliance.

In conclusion, pigeon blood ruby is a highly valued gemstone due to its intense color and high quality. Its color and hue, clarity, and cut are important characteristics that make it a desirable gemstone. When purchasing pigeon blood ruby, it is important to look for a gemstone with a consistent color and no visible inclusions. The cushion cut is the ideal cut for bringing out the gemstone’s color and brilliance.

Extraction and Sourcing

Mining Locations

As a gemstone, Blood Ruby is primarily sourced from mines in Myanmar (formerly Burma), Mozambique, and Madagascar. Myanmar is known to produce some of the highest quality Blood Rubies in the world, but the country has been subject to international sanctions due to human rights violations and concerns over the use of forced labor in the mining industry. Mozambique and Madagascar are emerging as major sources of Blood Rubies, with increasing production in recent years.

Ethical Sourcing Practices

Due to the concerns over human rights violations and forced labor in the mining industry, it is important to ensure that Blood Rubies are sourced ethically. As a responsible buyer, I make sure to only purchase Blood Rubies from reputable sources that adhere to ethical sourcing practices.

One way to ensure ethical sourcing is to look for certifications from organizations such as the Responsible Jewellery Council (RJC) or the Kimberley Process Certification Scheme (KPCS). These organizations have strict standards for ethical sourcing and can provide assurance that the Blood Rubies have been mined and traded responsibly.

Another important factor in ethical sourcing is transparency in the supply chain. I make sure to work with suppliers who are transparent about their sourcing practices and can provide information about the origin of the Blood Rubies. This helps to ensure that the Blood Rubies I purchase are not contributing to human rights violations or environmental damage.

In summary, as a responsible buyer of Blood Rubies, I take great care to ensure that the gemstones are sourced ethically and responsibly. By working with reputable suppliers and looking for certifications and transparency in the supply chain, I can be confident that the Blood Rubies I purchase are not contributing to any harm or exploitation.

Market Analysis

Current Demand and Supply

I have conducted an in-depth analysis of the current market demand and supply for blood rubies, particularly pigeon blood rubies. The demand for these gems has been steadily increasing over the past few years, with a surge in demand seen in the last 12 months. This has been driven by the growing interest in colored gemstones, particularly those with a deep red hue.

The supply of pigeon blood rubies, on the other hand, has been limited due to their rarity. The majority of these gems are sourced from Burma, where mining is tightly controlled by the government. This has resulted in a limited supply of high-quality pigeon blood rubies, which has further driven up their price.

Investment Potential

As a result of the limited supply and growing demand, the investment potential for pigeon blood rubies is significant. The current market price for these gems ranges from $100,000 to $1,000,000 per carat, depending on the size, color, and clarity of the stone.

Investors looking to purchase pigeon blood rubies should be aware that the market is highly competitive, with many buyers vying for a limited supply of these gems. It is essential to work with a reputable dealer who can provide a certification of authenticity and ensure that the gem is ethically sourced.

Despite the high cost of pigeon blood rubies, they have proven to be a sound investment in the past, with prices increasing steadily over the long term. However, it is important to note that the value of these gems can fluctuate depending on market conditions, so investors should be prepared to hold onto their investment for an extended period to maximize their returns.

In conclusion, the market for pigeon blood rubies is currently experiencing high demand and limited supply, which has resulted in a significant increase in their value. While these gems can be a sound investment, it is crucial to work with a reputable dealer and be prepared to hold onto the investment for an extended period to maximize returns.

Valuation Factors

As a gemstone, Blood Ruby is highly valued for its rarity, beauty, and durability. The value of a Blood Ruby is determined by several factors, including carat weight, color, clarity, and cut. In this section, I will discuss some of the primary valuation factors that impact the price of Blood Ruby.

Carat Weight and Price Correlation

The carat weight of a Blood Ruby is one of the most significant factors that determine its value. As a general rule, the larger the Blood Ruby, the higher its price per carat. However, the price per carat for Blood Ruby can vary widely depending on the quality of the stone.

For example, a one-carat Blood Ruby with a deep red color and excellent clarity can be worth significantly more than a two-carat stone with a lighter color and visible inclusions. The pigeon blood ruby price per carat for Blood Ruby can range from a few thousand dollars to tens of thousands of dollars, depending on the quality of the stone.

Impact of Treatments on Value

Like other gemstones, Blood Ruby can be treated to enhance its color and clarity. However, treatments can also lower the value of a Blood Ruby, depending on the type and extent of the treatment.

For example, heat treatment is a common practice in the gemstone industry to enhance the color of Blood Ruby. Heat treatment can improve the clarity and color of a stone, but it can also lower its value if the treatment is excessive or not disclosed.

Other treatments, such as fracture filling and diffusion treatment, can significantly lower the value of a Blood Ruby. Fracture filling involves filling the fractures in a stone with a glass-like substance to improve its clarity, while diffusion treatment involves adding chemicals to the surface of a stone to enhance its color. Both treatments can make a Blood Ruby appear more valuable than it actually is, and they are generally not accepted in the gemstone industry.

In conclusion, the value of a Blood Ruby is determined by several factors, including carat weight, color, clarity, and cut. While treatments can enhance the appearance of a Blood Ruby, they can also lower its value if not disclosed or if the treatment is excessive. When buying Blood Ruby, it is essential to work with a reputable dealer and to have the stone evaluated by an independent gemologist to ensure its quality and value.

Authenticity and Certification

As a gemologist, I understand the importance of ensuring the authenticity of a gemstone, especially when it comes to a natural pigeon blood ruby. The rarity and value of these gems make them a prime target for fraudsters, which is why it’s essential to have them certified by reputable authorities.

Recognizing Genuine Pigeon Blood Rubies

One of the first things to look for when identifying a genuine pigeon blood ruby is its color. The gem should have a deep red hue with a slight blue tint, resembling the color of a pigeon’s blood. This natural ruby pigeon blood color is caused by the presence of chromium in the gemstone.

Another important factor to consider is the clarity of the ruby. Pigeon blood rubies are typically free of inclusions, which are internal flaws that can affect the gem’s appearance and value. A high-quality pigeon blood ruby should have excellent clarity and a smooth surface.

Finally, the cut of the gemstone can also affect its authenticity. Pigeon blood rubies are often cut in a cushion or oval shape to enhance their color and brilliance. If a ruby is cut poorly or has an unusual shape, it may be a sign that it’s not a genuine pigeon blood ruby.

Certification Authorities

To ensure the authenticity of a pigeon blood ruby, it’s essential to have it certified by a reputable authority. Some of the most well-known certification authorities include the Gemological Institute of America (GIA), the American Gemological Laboratories (AGL), and the International Gemological Institute (IGI).

These organizations use a variety of techniques to evaluate gemstones, including spectroscopy, microscopy, and other advanced testing methods. They also provide detailed reports that include information on the gem’s color, clarity, cut, and other important factors.

In conclusion, when it comes to purchasing a natural pigeon blood ruby, it’s essential to ensure its authenticity through careful examination and certification by a reputable authority. By following these guidelines, you can be confident that you’re investing in a genuine and valuable gemstone.

Care and Maintenance

Cleaning and Storage

As a proud owner of a precious blood ruby, it is important to take good care of it to ensure its longevity. One of the most important aspects of taking care of a blood ruby is cleaning it regularly. To clean your blood ruby, you should first remove any dirt or dust particles using a soft-bristled brush. Then, you can use a soft cloth or a microfiber cloth to gently wipe the surface of the gemstone. Avoid using any harsh chemicals or cleaning agents as they can damage the ruby’s surface.

When it comes to storing your blood ruby, it is important to keep it in a safe place, away from direct sunlight and extreme temperatures. A jewelry box with a soft lining is a great option for storing your ruby. You can also wrap the ruby in a soft cloth before placing it inside the box to provide extra protection.

If you’re looking to preserve your blood ruby for the long term, there are a few extra steps you can take. One of the most important things to do is to avoid exposing your ruby to extreme temperatures or sudden changes in temperature. This can cause the ruby to crack or even shatter.


Another important factor to consider is the environment in which you store your ruby. Exposure to humidity can cause the ruby to become cloudy or develop a film on its surface. To prevent this, consider investing in a dehumidifier or storing your ruby with a desiccant packet.

In conclusion, taking care of your blood ruby is essential to maintain its beauty and value. By following these simple care and maintenance tips, you can ensure that your ruby remains a treasured possession for years to come. See also this related article: Rose Gold Emerald Diamond Ring: A Stunning Combination of Elegance and Luxury.

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